Lead and Empower as a Regional Director with the UK’s #1 Women’s Referral Network

The Founder of The Athena Network, Jacqueline Rogers, Shares How To Become  A Leader Of This Fabulous Community ... Jacqueline is passionate about Athena and the business model (and biased) so she recommends you have a conversation with one of our Regional Directors! 

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Run Your Own Part-Time Business With The Athena Network: A Proven Opportunity For Women To Lead, Empower & Thrive - Alongside Your Own Business!

Create a lifestyle you love while building a supportive community of women in business. This is your chance to lead with purpose, operate a flexible business, and be part of a community that makes a difference.


Thank You For Requesting More Information ...

If the content on this page excites you then please schedule a call with me personally to get any additional questions answered.

If you’ve always wanted to run your own business, work from home, earn a great income, have security, independence and dramatically improve the quality of your work life balance then you’re about to discover a business opportunity that will let you achieve all this and much more …

Capitalise on an exciting, forward thinking service that can provide a cost effective, innovative method of giving you a reliable source of income together with the flexibility to work at the time that suits you and provide a service to women in business.

I'm excited for you!

Jacqueline Y B Rogers, Founder of The Athena Network

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How? Let Me Explain

I will share with you an amazingly simple, affordable franchise opportunity available to enable you to run your own networking organisation for the women in your local community.

The Athena Network is a TURNKEY business based on a PROVEN model. 'Turnkey' simply means that we use a simple system, repeated throughout all our meetings, providing a valuable service to women in business. No matter which Athena meetings our members attend the process and format will be the same.

The simplicity of our system is not to be underestimated, many have attempted to copy and have failed because they do not understand what goes on behind the meetings, they have not been privy to the training and the vision behind Athena and what we commit to doing for Women in Business, Entrepreneurs and Executives.

We are committed to excellence and that includes making it simple AND effective.

“We have no patent on anything we do and anything we do can be copied by anyone else. But you can’t copy the heart and the soul and the conscience of the company.”

~ Howard Schultz, Chairman of Starbucks


If you can identify with nearly half the workforce in Britain (who according to Reed Recruitment are either actively or passively looking for a new job) then read on! The business opportunity is all there, fully developed and operational and it’s waiting for you …

… it’s simple, it’s affordable, our franchisees are successful, so how does it work? I will explain, but first, get a feel for my background, hear how it all started and read my story;

“How One Burnt Out, Corporate ‘High Achiever’ Left The Corporate Sector, Set Up Her Own Training, Mentoring and Coaching Business AND Developed Athena Groups That Were Franchised …”

I’d been employed in the corporate sector for over 12 years, gained extensive corporate experience in a broad range of challenging sales, training and consultancy roles with organisations such as KPMG, BAe, Ernst & Young and BT. And when I first started I loved it!

When I realised that I didn’t know the colour of my own front door; I would leave for work so early and get home so late, that I had no work/life balance and that my children spent more time with the child minder than me I decided that it was time to get out.  Not an easy choice, I had a particularly affluent lifestyle and we had ‘grown into’ the money that I was earning.

I was at a personal life crossroads and no amount of money could compensate for my health, which was starting to suffer as a result of stress and lack of sleep. As a trainer and coach, how could I train and coach what I couldn’t model? Work was becoming a struggle for me, I wasn’t having fun anymore and I firmly believe if you aren’t enjoying something then you need to find something you will enjoy doing instead.

I was fortunate enough to be able to apply for voluntary redundancy. Oddly every one of us in the team had to re-apply for our job. I was in the strangest situation; I wanted to perform brilliantly in the interview (high achiever) but if I did there was a possibility that they would retain me. If I performed appallingly I would let myself down. So, I decided to be completely honest and told the interview panel exactly that.

I left the interview, walked upstairs to my office, packed up my desk and personal belongings and started to walk out of the building. A friend and colleague stopped me and said “aren’t you afraid you won’t be retained” I told her “no I’m afraid that they are going to ask me to stay … I’m leaving now whilst I am strong enough to make the decision”.

In the walk from the interview to my office, I decided that I needed to take 100% ownership of the situation and not depend on anyone else to make critical life choices for me. So, whether I was made redundant or not I was going to leave and start what I had dreamed of since I was at school … my own business.

Fortunately, I had invested in my own training the whole time I was employed, a qualified NLP Trainer, Hypnotherapist, passing my coaching diploma with a distinction I thought I was pretty much set to start my own business.

How deluded I was! I had the skills to work with clients, they achieved great results when I did work with them. I just didn’t know how to get them.

I Thought Clients Would Find Me!

 Leaving the corporate sector was the easy part! Setting up in business was one of my greatest challenges in life; now with no team, little infrastructure and no clue of what I was doing I needed to find clients.

Business advisors, mentors and coaches assured me that networking was the key way of achieving my business goals. This from a ‘princess’ who had a telemarketing team organising all her appointments!

But I Didn't Know What To Do!

My business coach recommended that I start networking … honestly I’d have sooner poked a needle in my eye than attend a networking event (to be fair I wasn’t even sure what one was). I’m an introvert and the very idea of going into a room of strangers and talking about myself really did not make me feel great. And I did need to build a client base so, I dutifully attended several events, found myself getting frustrated and fat (there is a lot of eating that goes on) and all so I could just tell my coach “I did it!”

He urged me to stick at it and I said to him “it wouldn’t be half as bad if I knew what I was doing”, to which he replied “with the skills, resources and training you have, if you don’t know how to do it you should model someone who does!”

I took the challenge and what I realised was with all the events that I was going to; open networking, organised networking, breakfast events, industry specific events, no one was given any direction. I came away feeling frustrated and that I had wasted my time!

I was seriously out of options. “Surely there must be a network I want to be in; a network that will teach me what to do!

Should I Start My Own Networking Organisation?

The trainer in me took the challenge and instead of attempting to find a network that suited me I decided that I would create my own!

In 2005 The Athena Network was launched, in 2006 it was incorporated and with 27 groups in Home Counties. There was a massive demand for more groups to be set up in areas where we didn’t have one. So, the next stage in the development of the business was implemented and the business was franchised so that other women all over the UK were able to experience not only networking but lessons in how to network and develop their business! The missing link, the training, needed to be provided for us to be able to achieve success.

The training doesn’t start when ladies arrive at our events, it starts from our first communication. What I had learnt early on was that I was most likely to not go to an event if I didn’t know what was going to happen. With preparation and planning I felt resourceful and confident. A communication structure and meeting format was created so that everyone got the opportunity to present their business and each delegate was able to support others in the group.

Each of our Regional Directors (franchisees) are trained to network and to support other businesswomen to do the same. Following the same business methodology, we have a formula that works for us in all of our groups, wherever they are located

Not unlike Ray Kroc, who worked closely with the MacDonald brothers before launching the MacDonalds Franchise, I researched extensively so that I learnt my craft learning more about networking strategies, developing networking groups and became a very willing student in the study of ‘word of mouth’ marketing as well as how to become an excellent franchisor.

Integrating this with my knowledge of business development, coaching, training and franchising enabled me to create The Athena Network to provide an environment for businesswomen that they were searching for … interestingly they didn’t know it until they attended their first meeting.

In the first year, 27 groups were set up in the Home Counties;

“Like a magenta and silver army we are moving across the country connecting women; and when women connect they don’t just move mountains, they do it gracefully.”

Why am I telling you this? Only one reason. I wanted to establish my credibility with you. I know that lots of people dream of starting their own business… escaping the nine to five grind … achieving financial independence … and giving their families the lifestyle they so richly deserve, I certainly did. Yet many have been frustrated by the supposed money-making opportunities they’ve come across and I wanted you to know about my track record and my background so that you’d know that I am ‘for real’.

Athena is now recognised as THE LEADING NETWORKING, TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT BUSINESS COMMUNITY FOR BUSINESS WOMEN, FEMALE EXECUTIVES AND ENTREPRENEURS which means that we are now looking to take on additional franchisees to ensure that even more women have the opportunity to benefit from our proven networking methodology both nationally and internationally.


Why Would YOU Be Interested In Athena? 

To fully understand why I am so passionate about Athena you might want to consider what would excite you about running a business of your own that attracts such a high turnover for part time hours per week.

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The ability to work the days and hours you want to when you want to. If you are choosing to attend the networking meetings in your territory (and we strongly recommend that you do) then you would need to pencil out a minimum of one meeting per week. 

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This is your business, you’re the boss. You are not on your own though, we’re always on hand to help and support you and with ‘The Athena Way’ as a guide you quite literally can tick off your activities on a daily basis giving you freedom to enjoy your days.

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You’ll generate a great new income on your terms. There’s every reason you can earn a ‘full-time’ income, from £2,000 – £4,000, for part-time hours.

Several of our franchisors have more than one territory and others are talking of taking on another territory … you may think that means that they would work more hours. Not so! They will have set up their groups so that they can run smoothly whether they are attending the meeting or not.

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Often more important than all the other benefits, your new improved quality of life for YOU and YOUR family is impossible to put a value on. What we can say is that quality of life will improve your relationships, your health and your sense of well being.

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You just need to speak to any of our Regional Directors (franchisees) to understand the fun that they have as a franchisee. The meetings are motivational, inspirational and fun and the Regional Directors, who get together frequently at Regional Development Days and can honestly say that they have fun running their business.

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You’ll have a huge feeling of pride in what you are doing for the women in your local community. Financial benefits are just one part of the great difference on your life, the confidence you develop as a result of supporting and inspiring women in business is immeasurable.

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You’ll be a respected member of your community. You will find, as I did, that you become the mentor to women who have struggled to build their business previously and by providing them with a simple forum to promote their business, create connections and inspire each other attracts the respect of these ladies. You are still part of a team … whenever you feel a member presents you with a dilemma you don’t feel qualified to support we are on the end of the telephone.

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You can create a strong part-time business that will continue to grow year on year and generate a great ongoing income. Approximately 90% of our members renew their membership, which means that you can project your earnings in future years effectively

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'Feeding' Your Business

It is commonly known that if you want to learn you should teach. From my experience if you want to learn how to network with excellence then running a networking organisation is certainly the most effective way to learn

This opportunity that not only brings in an additional income stream but would also feed an additional business. Regional Directors are in a high profile position, the ‘go-to’ people and we have found that as well as an increase in income through Athena there is the added bonus of more ladies becoming aware of any other businesses you own.

What Is Included In The Franchise Opportunity? 

What Will You Get? 

One of the reasons many franchises have been so successful is that, in franchising, a business synergy is created. Franchisees brought together under one trademark can achieve things that as individual business people they could not do. Athena is an International Brand and after 16 years of trading we have a strong brand presence in the networking community.

Not only have I personally spent 100′s of hours together developing the business it’s taken a healthy commitment and significant financial investment to create ‘The Athena Way’ in a way that is not only effective but also really simple to operate.

You’ll have read by now that I have drawn on all my years of business experience and all the ups and downs that go with it to be able to identify a unique opportunity and create such a complete business opportunity.

Athena offers you a wonderful business opportunity to really take control of your work-life balance and earn a great income every month and every year!

And don’t worry about your experience or skill levels, YOUR Athena business franchise includes everything, and I mean everything you’ll need to get going and make a success of your business…

Just follow ‘The Athena Way’, the advice, training and tutorials and you’ll soon be on your way to running your own successful business.


Each Franchisee has their login to the UK website. Unique pages that details their groups, events and contact details. This page can be customised to include articles, member promotions, links to your other businesses thus raising your profile further.

Social media has become an invaluable marketing tool and our website is a significant part of the marketing experience for Athena Regional Directors.

What Is In The Training Package?

A comprehensive package of training, support and materials that include a two day induction seminar (split into two events, pre and post launch), mentoring calls before and after the launches and peer support at the quarterly Regional Director Development Days.

An exciting online training resource ‘The Athena Way’ includes all the manuals, scripts, marketing materials in addition to training videos, audios and workbooks to ensure that you have everything that you will need to set up your business!

Templates of all marketing and PR material are also provided, this alone has meant that the launches of Athena groups has been conducted with the minimum of effort and stress.

The package includes:

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1.  Operations Manual - 'The Athena Way'

A complete set of manuals and handbooks that detail the steps to success required to be successful in all areas of your business;

Administration: How to manage and run your business on a day to day basis, keeping track of your income and expenditure.

Marketing: The key strategies to marketing and sales for your groups. We’ll teach you how to make your business a financial success through simple, effective marketing.

Developing Your Championship Team: How to surround yourself with a supportive team and who and what a supportive team is … not always what you think!

Field Manual: All the Athena scripts are available in several handbooks so that when you attend a meeting, present an Athena training event everything you require is in one place.

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2. Induction & Training Seminar

You’ll join us for two days (split into two events; pre and post launch) days at our training location after investing in your Athena business franchise. Once you’ve followed our instructions and completed some basic research and learning on your own we’ll give you a full days training to really get you started, followed by a days ‘post-launch’ training.

You’ll learn about the commercial aspects of your territories and how best to maximise your earning potential through intelligent marketing and sales processes. You’ll leave with additional training manuals, your startup stationery and access to the Athena franchisee intranet where you can access material that is constantly updated.

The Training events are really high energy and they’re a great time to get to meet your fellow Athena franchisees and exchange details. In addition, you’ll meet the Support Team who will be there to guide you and help you in the crucial early stages of setting up your first groups.

During the training we will go over absolutely everything! By way of a sneak preview:

30 Day Kick Start

How to invite ladies to your groups – this may be the part of the business that you would worry about, once you have been shown the ropes with our sales training I promise it is not as daunting as you may think.

Attitude and expectancy are key – plus you have a truly great product!

Covering all steps of marketing and administration.

How to get your groups publicised – we will show you exactly what you need to do to get your groups publicised effectively and ensure that you have meetings that ladies are clamouring to come to.

Effective PR strategies and developing ongoing relationships with the press. Using these techniques our franchisees have achieved national coverage!

Leveraging social media and understanding the best platform to use.

How to keep track of your profit and loss – we will show you how to take care of your finances and demonstrate the best way to do your book-keeping so that you are always on top of things.

How to keep an eye on your profits. It’s important to make sure that you maximise your profitability and we’ll help you all the way with that.

The training will give you lots of good advice and solid tips to ensure you stay on the right track.

Then, after your initial Training Event there’s lots more support and training lined up, including access to all the training videos so that you can review your training at a time that is convenient to you …

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3. Quick Start Guide

Your timetable of events and actions laid out, step-by-step. Using a slick activity tracker you can be sure that you minimise the amount of time working in your business and focus on building it.

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4. Athena Brand Guide

All the information you need about the brand and how it can be used. The power of the national brand which will be a big selling point

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5. Stationery Starter Pack

Our meetings are online and the majority of our collaterals for members are digital, which makes it even quicker to update content.  What you will physically receive are: 

  • 1,000 Personalised Athena Business Cards 
  • 1 Stationery Box (to include Athena notebook, pens, pencils, highlighters, sharpies)
  • 1 Personalised Popup Banner
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6. Marketing Pack Online

Folders on ‘The Athena Way’ includes templates of all your marketing material. You will find every business template you’ll need to get your business going. We’ve created them so that all you need to do is add your details using slick merging techniques and you’re off and running.

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7. Schedule & Timetable

A fully mapped out timetable of marketing activity and events, so that you can plan properly. Our franchisees have found that this works effectively for their primary business as well as their Athena business.

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8. Athena Dashboard (Client Management System)

An automated tool that keeps a running total of everything happening within each Athena group and analyses the data so that you know where to focus your attention. You will know daily, by reviewing the dashboard, where your group is in terms of:

Number of Members – You will know how many members you have in each group and in total.

Number of Prospects – You will know how many prospective members you have and it will highlight where you need to target your prospecting.

Total Income – The spreadsheet calculates a running total of all income for each group.

Total Costs – The spreadsheet will include the total cost of running your groups

Total Profit – The important part!

Now that you have a running total of income and cost, the spreadsheet will give you a running total of your profit.

Early on, you will show a lower profit – but just watch this figure grow as the months go by.

A real winner when it comes to motivation!

Your Target –This will tell you exactly how many new members you need to attract to achieve your target. You’ll love watching this figure go down day by day. The nearer you are to your target, the more inspiration you have!

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9. Franchisee Support Team

You’ll have a dedicated mentor to support you through the development of your groups and ensure that you achieve the success we know is possible. You will have 4 group teleclasses. These teleclasses, carried out online will help you to develop yourself and your groups to achieve your goals. Each class lasts up to an hour and we will guide you through the early stages of your business.

Following the induction teleclasses there are ongoing masterclasses for the Athena Regional Directors to include; member targeting, goal setting, networking skills, business development, financial understanding and much, much more.

You’ll also have access to an audio recording of each teleclass and masterclass on the ‘The Athena Way’. If you miss a call then you can listen in when it is convenient for you.  In addition, we have a training suite in our Academy so that you can refresh anything you have forgotten OR ask your peers in our private Facebook group who will always support you.

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10. Exclusive Territory 

Oh, and remember your exclusive groups. The available territories for The Athena Network have been defined by Tech4T.   Tech4T are geographic territory specialists and one of the primary industries that they work in is franchising.  Your area is defined in detail by postcode and we will work with you to define the most profitable area for you to manage an Athena franchise.  Many factors are considered in defining the territory. In short, we’re going to help you be the greatest success you can be running your own networking groups with Athena.


Meet women all over the world, create strategic alliances , recruit new suppliers, attract your perfect clients and make new and important connections so that when you need them they will be there.

-Jacqueline Y B Rogers, Founder of The Athena Network
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The Perfect Business?

Usually, when you start a business you would have to rely on your own expertise and knowledge. When you start a new franchisee business, the franchisor has the training programme already in place. This means that you start trading immediately with a proven model.

And remember, we’ll teach you how to generate a great income now and in the future with our extensive, ongoing, personalised training program as part of our franchise opportunity!

Franchise Discovery Call

If you are feeling inspired and would like to find out more about The Athena Network Franchise Opportunity I would encourage you to book a call with me.  You can ask questions about the opportunity (many that you may not have thought of yet!), you can tell me more about your interest and I will share examples of how the business would work for you personally based on your personal circumstances.



Franchisees will come from varied backgrounds, are adaptable and apply sound business sense within their industry. Our comprehensive full training programme and support services are designed to help you quickly become an expert in our growing market.

It can be difficult to find a business opportunity that ticks all the boxes but we are proud that Athena does just that.

Tested & Proven For 16 Years

Since our first meetings in 2005 we have ironed out the creases and Athena has expanded across the UK and into Australia, Denmark and Singapore. We have the expertise and resources to get our groups up and running quickly – which is what we are now doing – and to provide all the training and support that a large franchise network needs.

You see, the Athena business model just ticks all the boxes:

  • It is a great fun business to run
  • It is part of an international network
  • It has been created by a successful businesswoman with a proven track record
  • It offers excellent earning potential (remember that £50,000+? I’ll come back to it in a moment)
  • It is a truly part-time opportunity – you can choose the hours you wish to work, part-time hours for a full-time financial return.
  • If you have children, you can take every school holiday off – in full!
  • We have a powerful brand identity and are renowned in the industry
  • It requires no stock
  • You do not need to hire staff, not unless you want to
  • There is a consistent demand for the service
  • The business system is easy to follow
  • There is no need to have any previous networking experience.
  • We teach you how to develop your groups
  • You receive full and comprehensive training
  • I have thought of everything, absolutely everything, to make this one of the best part-time opportunities, for women, available in the UK today


After talking with ladies approaching us to become a part of the organisation it became abundantly clear to me that what these women were looking for was a part-time business in addition to the one that they were managing. We recognised that there was an opportunity for canny businesswomen to use the network as an additional route to market.

What better way of becoming recognised than managing your own networking organisation! We’ve been talking to some very clever ladies!

I knew that this could be 100% better than I had originally envisaged. Yes, it is true that other networking organisations sell their franchises for no less than 5 figures (big figures at that) and yes it was true that their royalties (the fee paid for additional memberships) are also high … that didn’t mean that ours had to be.

What I wanted to be able to offer to women, like me, was a different business opportunity that was attractive to women running their own business, who liked the concept of running their own networking groups and recognised how effective that route to market would be. That meant revising the pricing and targetting it realistically, affordably, so I could be sure to get the right women on board.

I also know that with the right strategic partners on board we would all be even more successful in business.

So that’s what we’ve done. We’ve reviewed our original concept and perfected it so that it is a franchise opportunity worthy of serious consideration.


Here’s how the numbers can look in your first 18 months, based on actual figures of managing 4 groups;

Sales: £58,000
Costs: £6,797
Operating Profit: £51,203

It is expected that many franchisees will opt to purchase additional territories once they appreciate how simple it is to manage. Imagine the earning potential if you managed two exclusive territories (same system, just a few more hours work).


Operating Profit is prior to Franchisee remuneration, repayments on capital, bank charges, tax, and other overheads associated with running the business (although the latter should not be significant).

Projections are estimates of sales and costs and are not a guarantee of results. Each Franchisees success will depend on their own efforts, skills, and other factors.

Elements of your business expenses can be offset for personal tax. Working from home you can offset a proportion of your heating and lighting, any of your computer costs, internet connection and travelling expenses.


Now, let me be clear at this point. Athena is not a ‘get-rich-quick scheme. It is important to emphasise that this is an established franchised business and we will only accept ladies who are as committed to the growth as we are. It does offer really great levels of earnings and fantastic levels of pride and fulfilment – but you do need to put in the work!

However, because the groups only meet once a month, and because the groups grow by word of mouth the amount of work needed is genuinely part-time.

It takes approximately 10 hours per group per month to set and support a group until it reaches the optimum size of 25 members. Once a group reaches this point, it becomes ‘low maintenance’ and will take less time per group, per month to support, you will need to allow for additional time if you intend to be at the meetings (Regional Directors who attend the meetings have the most success).

It is really down to you how you are able to manage your time effectively to run your groups and when you want to devote time to it. Many of our Regional Directors have multiple businesses and fit their Athena business in around it and I only work 4 days a week, which includes my Head Office responsibilities and three groups and a coaching and consulting business!

As some of our members are affected by school holidays we recognise that it is more effective to have a large regional meeting in August and December which means it truly is a business that you can fit around your family and you can take every school holiday off.


Well, you’ll need to bring a few things to the party to be a successful Athena franchisee. For example:

  1. Bags of enthusiasm and personality – a ‘’can do’ attitude!’
  2. Passion for Athena – a real belief in the service that you will be providing
  3. Some creative flair (although in fairness this is more of a bonus)
  4. An ability to get on well with other people

We are looking for motivated, personable women seeking to:

  1. Support businesswomen and inspire them to create successful businesses
  2. Earn a full-time income for part-time hours
  3. Rapidly build a profitable business, with the support of an established and proven franchisor
  4. Be cash flow positive/profitable within 18 months of trading
  5. Create wealth by building a business with a lucrative resale value
  6. You will need to be comfortable talking to people about the benefits of networking and of course we will support you in the most effective ways to do that.

You get absolutely everything you need to ensure that your Athena franchise is the business opportunity that allows you to free up the time you want to do the things that you want to do while earning the money you want to support the lifestyle you desire.

One [nearly] final, but very important point …

The business opportunity is great but what I get the greatest satisfaction from is seeing the confidence of our members grow as they are encouraged to make connections that enable them to grow more profitable businesses themselves.

How much would it be worth to you to have a business that generates serious full-time earnings and that only requires part-time hours?

A business that you can fit in around your other commitments?
  A business that gives you considerable time off?
  A business that will give you such high levels of satisfaction and pride?
  If you’re like me an opportunity like that would be worth a fortune to you.


The simple fact is that we want YOU and many others to be able to benefit from being your own boss by running your own Athena networking groups.

Many franchisees today cost upwards of £10,000, £20,000 or even £30,000 + VAT initial investment PLUS ongoing charges of 20%+ of turnover or profits AND often a requirement for additional working capital that can sometimes be 2 or 3 times the initial investment! It’s frightening just considering some of the franchisees available today!

The investment for an Athena Franchise is  £14,950 + VAT  OK, let’s talk business! At the end of the day, whilst you might enjoy the social aspect and the tremendous sense of pride and fulfilment in your groups, you need this venture to be profitable.

If you would like a chat about Athena or you have some questions, then please book a Discovery Call.


For an exclusive territory of 4 groups, the investment is £14,950 + VAT  Remember, if you have already done some research and taken a look at the market you will know that this is, in comparison to many other franchise opportunities, with the same promised return on investment, this is a nominal amount. Other benefits of this purchase price are;

  1. A four figure income (every month) when you have complete groups
  2. A business that is growing at a tremendous rate and offers members great value for money.
  3. The flexibility to work when you want
  4. A support team for all your business development

And, a worthwhile investment that you can build and develop knowing it will be worth a great deal of money and that having developed it following ‘The Athena Way’ you’ll be able to sell it in the future. The success of Athena is testament to the viability of the business and it is important that all prospective Franchisees understand that the potential for profit is always there for those with the will to work smart and the desire to succeed.


Finances are a key consideration for many of our franchisees. Listed below are a couple of financial options for you to consider when purchasing a franchise …

We offer an ‘easy pay’ payment plan (ask for the details when we speak)

When opening a new business account banks will typically offer you an overdraft facility. Negotiate a rate and low-interest payments that enable you to pay back the overdraft quickly.

We've Invested So You Don't Have To ...

You could of course have developed a networking organisation of your own! As you can imagine, the level of investment needed to create your own business and supporting infrastructure is significant. What started as a quest to fulfil a personal requirement to build a client pipeline formed the basis of a full business model for the national network that has been created.

That doesn’t come cheap! The initial outlay for a business start up is often the most expensive one all of that is avoided when you purchase a franchise.

We Have Saved You Time AND Money ...

If you could put your life on hold, and time, money and networking knowledge and skills were freely at your disposal, you could of course have developed a networking organisation for yourself – why do that when we have created the opportunity for you that means that you pick up and start to run your own business immediately

How Does It Work? ... 

When we work in partnership with our franchisees we are not just selling them a franchise, not just selling them an Athena territory, we are selling a life style choice and consider ourselves to be a part of that.

We are passionate about supporting our franchisees to create financial freedom and a future that includes managing a business that they love.

What Would Happen If I Purchase A Franchise? ... 

You will be building a business that has considerable value and is a unique and flexible product that you will be proud of and your members delighted to be a part of

What Next? ... 

Contact us to request more information. Let us know what territory you would be interested in so that we can support you in your decision and ensure that you have sufficient scope in your territory to be successful.


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What Helps Make The Perfect Franchise Opportunity?

If you’ve always wanted to run your own business, operate from home, earn a great income and dramatically improve the quality of your work life balance then you will find that the Athena business opportunity that will let you achieve all this and much more …

Modest start up costs can tempt investors into franchising (Headline – Daily Mail – April 24th 2006)

“Small can be beautiful but also profitable, don’t let the lack of big money spoil your franchise hopes or business opportunities. It’s important to us that you take due diligence and the same level of care that you would take if you were spending a lot of money

Having the right level of support will give you the confidence and direction to run your business successfully enabling you to take control of your life.”

While your franchise may be the biggest investment you ever make, fortunately, failure is rare. According to Natwest/British Franchise Magazine, less than 1% of franchises failed in 2005 and the figure is falling!

Still Undecided?  More Reasons To Consider An Athena Franchise ... 

  1. Potential Market – On average, each territory has up to 6,000 of small/medium businesses in it. That’s a huge market potential for your groups.
  2. Experience & Skills – You may feel that you don’t have the necessary business skills to do this but let me assure you, as long as you like and are happy talking to and meeting new people then we’ll show you the rest. Our complete business package provides you with all the information and training you’ll need to succeed.
  3. Can I Do It? – As long as you’ve committed yourself mentally to your new business then YOU CAN succeed. You’ll need to be self-disciplined and prepared to put some hard work in to get going but as long as you follow our tried and tested systems then you CAN do it!
  4. Support – Not only do you have email and telephone support from us but you’ll also be able to talk to and become involved with other Athena business franchisees to share experiences and learning during the Regional Directors Development Days and on ‘The Athena Way’.
  5. Resources – You’ll have access to our central resource area where you see an ever-growing archive of online support, new business templates and sales training and presentation tools, ready-made press releases and much more.
  6. Isolation – You’re not alone. You’ll always be welcome to just pick up the phone and say hello if you need a bit of a boost, feedback or whatever. Everyone has an off day and we’re here to help you through it!
  7. Sales Ability – You have a huge advantage here as the proposition you are able to make virtually sells itself – BUT – you will have to do some work and we’ll help you with your presentations and meeting preparation (they’re in the pack). We can also provide online and teleconference training courses too, so you’ll never be lacking in confidence and knowledge.
  8. Costs – This is the great bit! Your Athena business franchise will cost you a fraction of the cost of the vast majority of franchises available today.
  9. What’s In The Package – EVERYTHING! Yes absolutely EVERYTHING that you will need to run, manage and develop YOUR OWN local networking organisation that can generate you an income of over £2000 per month working part-time around your family life or substantially more run as a full-time business and with additional territories.

‘The Athena Way’ a step by step guide takes you through every stage you’ll need to ensure your business runs smoothly.

How to …

  1. Set up online banking and payment accounts
  2. Market your business in your local community
  3. Develop ongoing client relationships
  4. Run your accounts quickly and accurately
  5. Set up your home office to work for you
  6. Manage your time around your family life
  7. Top tips for encouraging visitors to contact you
  8. Track income and expenditure
  9. Choose an accountant

…and much, much more!

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What Happens Next? 

Once we have established that your area is available and if you decide that you are seriously interested you will be able to reserve your territory by paying a £500 deposit (refunded if you are not successful with your application. This will ‘hold’ your area for you for 30 days during which time you’ll need to go through the application process, get all your questions answered.

 Given the marketing, we have planned, and the members of our groups who have already expressed an interest I encourage you to make contact if this opportunity is of interest to you.

Whatever your decision I wish you every success in everything that you do.

To Your Success,

Jacqueline Rogers
Founder of The Athena Network

P.S. Less than 1% of franchises failed in 2005 and the number is dropping.

P.P.S. Don’t worry about your own skills or experience, the Athena business franchise is a COMPLETE ready-made business with all the training, information and support you’ll need to succeed. Almost anybody from any walk of life can run an Athena business franchise!

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What Does Our Business Model Look Like?

I've told you all about the Franchise Opportunity, would you like to hear about our front end model, what our Franchisees (Regional Directors) actually deliver and how they serve their customers?  Read below for how we serve and support our members of The Athena Network

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The opportunity to join virtual networking meetings globally and locally.

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Use PASS+ and virtually connect with all members of The Athena Network.

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Find Athena members who are able to collaborate on projects with you.

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You will have access to Athena training solutions for women in business.


Being A Member Of The Athena Network Means That ... 

All of our Athena meetings are attended by talented and highly motivated individuals – their passion, energy and determination to fulfil their business goals make our networking formula truly unique.

Women are attracted to Athena because it addresses an often missing ingredient in the networking recipe and they recognise the benefits of networking with Athena:

Increased chances of business success: Face-to-face interactions positively impact your business’ success significantly.
More effective online/social media networking: Face-to-face networking makes your online networking and social media more effective.  Meet the faces behind your Twitter/Facebook contacts!
Inexpensive way to market:  Face-to-face networking is one of the most powerful, effective and cost-effective ways to market your business.
Wider circle of influence: Meeting other women will expand your contact list and influence circle which can lead to an increase in business opportunities and referrals.
Knowledge and learning:  Network strategy and business development training enables you to maximise your networking activities.
Personal and business growth: The more contacts you make, and the more networking events you attend, the more confident you will feel about your business and yourself.

NOTE:  We refer to our virtual meetings as "face-to-face" because you will be face-to-face with all delegates and we have perfected a virtual networking meeting that makes you feel you are in the same room!


Why would  you network virtually?  You will have the opportunity to join virtual networking meetings locally and globally for;

Business Acceleration: ACCELERATE GROWTH in your business
Advisement: The feeling of 'being alone' in business is gone. ISOLATION is banished
Collaboration: Work collaboratively to ACHIEVE MORE on projects, products, partnerships
Extend Your Network: EXPAND your network exponentially and RAPIDLY
Quality Suppliers: Meet and ask for the quality suppliers that you require
Connect: Make MEANINGFUL CONNECTIONS which keep you top of mind long after the event ends
Inspired: INSPIRE and be INSPIRED by the connections you make at the meetings and in our Facebook community.


What you can expect by joining The Athena Network is that you will quickly build connections locally and globally;

Access To A Diverse Community: Women globally who are committed to supporting each other to get the best clients, suppliers and connections. You will have access to The Athena Network community.
Relationships: Build relationships with women of a "like-mind" so that when you need them they will be there.
Connection Not Isolation:  Being an entrepreneur can be lonely but it does not mean that you should be isolated.
Interaction: With representatives from various industries who have your best interest at heart
Share Best Practice: Find out about new business tips, trends and news
New Clients & Suppliers: With a pool of contacts at your fingertips you will find the right clients and services through the third party referrals of the members.
Exciting Contacts: Vibrant, focused and passionate individuals with exciting products, services and ideas.
Welcoming & Informative Environment:  Allowing you to network in a way that suits you.
A Forum to listen and share your experiences.
Speakers who will openly share their business stories and successes so that you can learn and implement the skills immediately.


If you want to reach people to collaborate with, women who are as committed to your success as you are, networking is your perfect opportunity. The Athena Network has 1,000's of members who will be able to support you in the growth of your business.

Solve Problems:  Ask for help on another perspective from 1,000's of other women.
New Business Ideas:  Get feedback on your ideas and learn from the experience of other women with different skills, experiences and resources
Safe Environment:  Your group is a safe place to bounce ideas around, to share your own and to test ideas out
New Channels For Business:  You will open up opportunities within your business that you would probably not have considered before.
Multiple Business Tenders:  For smaller (micro) businesses there is value in collaboration tendering for larger bids in business.
Cross Promotion:  Support yourself and other members with cross-promotions which is a great opportunity to quickly and easily reach another audience
Maintenance:  It is important to nurture and maintain the business relationships that you have so that when you need to work together again it is from a place of friendship and respect
Support & Friendship:  A delightful sideline of networking within The Athena Network are the incredibly supportive women you meet and the friendships that develop.


One of the cornerstones of success within The Athena Network is the training that we provide our members. In our meetings, masterclasses and ad-hoc online training that is available for members only ensures that you are;

Confident: Walk into any room feeling PREPARED & CONFIDENT
Memorable: Create an amazing FIRST IMPRESSION (while still feeling like yourself)
Plan: Create A SIMPLE REPLICABLE PLAN To Attract More Clients
Habits: What You Must Do Consistently To FILL YOUR PIPELINE
Popular: How To Become The Most POPULAR BUSINESS PERSON
Raving Fans: Learn The 1 System That Will GET PEOPLE RAVING About You
Cashflow: What You Must Do To KEEP CASH FLOWING!
Contribution: If you would like to raise your profile and have a training that you would love to make available we can include you in our Business Development Training schedule.



When you are not able to attend "live" networking events and you know that continuing to develop your business relationships, nurture your suppliers and create strategic alliances is important I invite you to become a member of the Athena Business Club.   

Membership is only £585 per annum*. 

If you would prefer a payment plan that can be arranged.

NOTE:  You are committing to a 12-month membership.

Membership of The Athena Network will give you access to all of our membership benefits including PASS+ which means that you can currently attend 130+ meetings, Cappuccino Connections (informal networking), an extensive training portfolio and all the connections within our network.

"The Athena Network model works!  How do I know?  We see the results daily and our members tell us!


Join us wherever you are in the world; from your home, a cafe, your office, the beach.  I look forward to meeting you"

~ Jacqueline Y B Rogers, Founder of The Athena Network


Find out if the area you are interested in is still available.  We will confirm by email.